Interview with Chris StPierre, Furniture Entrepreneur!

Community Building in the Washington, DC area!!

SFP Editor: What is Authentically Amish?

Chris StPierre: Authentically Amish is a unique furniture store in Alexandria, VA, which opened for business in June 2001. The store offers a variety of solid oak and pine furniture at reasonable prices. All of our furniture is handcrafted by the Amish in Lancaster, Pennsylvania

SFP Editor: SFP Editor: Why Amish Furniture?

Chris StPierre: I decided to open this business and sell Amish furniture after visiting a store in Maine and seeing the high quality furniture that they made. The Amish are renowned for the quality of their goods, whether it be agricultural produce, baked goods or furniture. Many people have stopped into our store specifically because they saw the word Amish on our sign, and wanted to see what we offered. This venture has allowed me to bring a small part of my home state, Pennsylvania, to my Northern Virginia home.

SFP Editor: Have you ever owned a business before? What is the most challenging aspect of owning/starting a business?

Chris StPierre: This is my first business endeavor, which has been a tremendous learning experience. For me, the most challenging aspect of starting this business was developing the idea into the reality of a store that could fill a niche in the metropolitan DC market. This is a unique furniture store offering unique products. Another challenge was a lack of of business and retail experience. I was fortunate that I was able to befriend the store owners in Maine, and they were nice enough to introduce me to the Amish families. I then began to build the necessary business relationships with my Amish suppliers.

SFP Editor: What is your favorite piece of furniture in your store and why?

Chris StPierre: If I had to pick a favorite piece, it would have to be the Hoosier. A Hoosier is an old-fashioned kitchen cabinet. Authentic Hoosiers have a porcelain countertop for food preparation, a flour sifter and storage space for pantry items. This is an interesting piece, not only because the Amish are still making them, but so many of our customers have commented about their mother or grandmother having a Hoosier years ago. It seems to bring back fond memories for people.

SFP Editor: What did you do for a living before opening up your store?

Chris StPierre: Prior to starting Authentically Amish, I was working on Capitol Hill as a senior aid to U.S. Representative Phil English of Pennsylvania. Government work is truly a rewarding life experience and a great educational experience. I had the opportunity to learn about many different issues, and about the democratic and legislative process.

SFP Editor: What do you do for fun besides work at your furniture store?

Chris StPierre: Besides working at the store, I enjoy a variety of activities including, hiking, reading, attending concerts, traveling, and socializing with friends.

SFP Editor: What advice would you give someone who is interested in starting a business?

Chris StPierre:: My best advice is to find a hobby, activity or just something you enjoy and then determine how to translate that into a business idea. There are so many opportunities available these days, and you will never know if an idea will work or not until you try. Also, I am a firm believer that perseverance is the key to success.

SFP Editor: What have you learned about the Amish culture since you opened your store?

Chris StPierre: I have learned so much about the Amish in recent months and learn something new on a regular basis. It is amazing to me that they have maintained their simple lifestyle for hundreds of years. The Amish were originally from Western Europe and left there in the 1600s to escape religious persecution and settled in Pennsylvania and since then, Amish communities have spread across the nation. I have found the Amish people to be hard-working, honest, good-natured and a pleasure to work with.

SFP Editor: Where do you get the furniture for your store?

Chris StPierre: All of our furniture is made in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. There are a variety of small towns in and around Lancaster, which I visit including - Paradise, Lititz, Bird in Hand, and Leola. I work closely with about 15 Amish families that craft different lines or styles of furniture. One of the best parts about this type of business is the need to travel to Lancaster every two weeks or so to pick up orders and to meet with my Amish suppliers. Lancaster is a beautiful area full of history and culture. It is only about 135 miles north of the Washington, DC area and worth visiting.

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