Meet The Founder

Community Building in the Washington, DC area!!

I came to Washington, DC in 1993 to be a White House intern as part of my graduate program at Boston University. I became hooked on DC and decided to stay. I worked at C-SPAN for about eight years and during that time, earned a second masters degree from Georgetown University's Communications, Culture and Technology graduate program. I am interested in using the internet to empower people in developing countries - I consulted at USAID on the Telling Our Story Inititiave and now lead online communications efforts for a global HIV AIDS initiative - SCMS

Why Did I start Small Friendly Planet? Small Friendly Planet provides a social networking platform to network within the Washington, DC area. A network of Washington, DC professionals using the Internet to share information and collaborate on personal and professional development opportunities. Each month, I feature a person living in DC who is doing something amazing or interesting. I also promote community events around town - so feel free to e-mail me suggestions at

Network Defined: An alliance among like-minded individuals whose goals are to provide each other with help, insight and opportunities. The greater the number members who are part of the network, the stronger the relationship and the more efficient the process to obtain and provide helpful information.

Networking can take help in job searching, apartment seeking, looking for social activities or opportunities to volunteer. Everyone has value and can help each other in some way.

How this Network works By participating in the network, you can get the word out about yourself or organization in an efficient, strategic manner in a supportive environment. Outreach is conducted using web presence and e-mail newsletters.

Small Friendly Planet strives to use the Internet to maximize opportunities to reach out to professionals in the DC community and promote their accomplishments and participation in community activities.

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