Musician Laura Tsaggaris
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Frank Kim, SFP Music Reviewer: SFP Music Reviewer: How's it going and what have you been up to since we last talked?
Laura Tsaggaris: Basically just getting used to doing music full time and trying to get organized enough to run a business. It’s been an adjustment not being in an office and having someone to tell you what to do and how to do it, but, I think I’ve been pretty successful at sort of developing a good working environment and plan of action.
Frank Kim, SFP Music Reviewer: SFP Music Reviewer: So it's been over a year since you last did an interview with me and for the SFP site- and at that time, you didn't have any ideas of how your new album will sound like. How has the song writing process been like for you this time around and have you been enjoying the time writing and getting your songs prepared?
Laura Tsaggaris: I am really excited about the new songs for the next album. They are definitely a bit different from those on “Proof”… not to scare away people that really liked that album, just, I think subconsciously I sort of knew I needed to mix it up and head in a slightly different direction. So, the songs are a bit more on the pop/rock side, and I’m finding that it’s really fun to sing and play them. On the whole, the songs are a bit shorter, which sort of lends them to a more catchy feel. I hope people will like them.
Frank Kim, SFP Music Reviewer: SFP Music Reviewer: What has the last year and half been like for you, since the release and exposure of your last album 'Proof' and having been on the road consistently, playing to new audiences?
Laura Tsaggaris: It has been good. You know, like everything, there are times when I’ve felt on top of the world and others when I’m thinking “what the hell am I doing? How do I think I can be successful at this? It is really tough to constantly be trying to make some kind of headway in this business. At times, you just feel like a hamster on a wheel. But, I don’t know, I try to focus on the moments when someone randomly lets me know that they connect with my music because that is what keeps me going. It’s also been good to get out to other parts of the country and sort of squeeze a bit more out the songs on “Proof”. I mean, I’m moving on to the next project, and excitedly so, but, I believe the songs from that album deserve to be heard by more people and hopefully they’ll get that chance.
Frank Kim, SFP Music Reviewer: SFP Music Reviewer: I think in my intro to your interview last time for SFP, I only gave you credit for having been nominated for 2005 best contemporary folk vocalist and album for Washington Area Music Awards, but you also were nominated for best new artist. What was that like for you and how do you feel about 'awards' in general?
Laura Tsaggaris: It was really nice to be recognized by fans and other artists. Trying to get that kind of recognition is important for the future of my career, like it or not, and I realize that. But, in my limited experience of awards and contests and competitions, I definitely get frustrated when I see the whole process, from beginning to end, being reduced to what seems like a glorified popularity contest instead of something that’s based on talent or merit. But I guess that’s what you get when you combine two things as antithetical as judgement and art. I realize this could sound like sour grapes, but, it’s mostly been borne out of seeing other bands that I highly respect get snubbed for things that I’ve thought they’ve deserved. But, you know, I guess at some point you just realize that that’s the way it is at every level in pretty much every category of every facet of life, so, it’s best to just figure out how you can take advantage of the situation while not letting it rule you.
Frank Kim, SFP Music Reviewer: SFP Music Reviewer: And congratulations for being nominated again for best contemporary folk vocalist for '06. Do you feel like this has changed you in some ways?
Laura Tsaggaris: No, I don’t feel that has changed me in any way. Again, it is an honor to be recognized, but, I try not to let that dictate the creative decisions I make and/or directions I take.
Frank Kim, SFP Music Reviewer: SFP Music Reviewer: I'm looking forward to the release of your new album- do you have a title for your new album yet? If so, how did it come about and how many tracks have you gotten down?
Laura Tsaggaris: The working title for the new album is “Keep Talking”. It is the title of a song that will be featured on the next album. A couple of others I’ve considered are “The Politician” and “Roads”, which are also songs that will be on the album, but, I think I like “Keep Talking” as it conveys this message that all of these songs are sort of conversations I have with myself. And, it’s a good mantra for me, I guess.
Frank Kim, SFP Music Reviewer: SFP Music Reviewer: I've always been fascinated with the artists' perspectives and real stories behind the songs, on why they wrote it, how it came about, what the song writing process was like... which of the new songs will you remember most as most memorable in writing, recording, and stories behind them?
Laura Tsaggaris: Well, right now there are a couple that stick out for me. “Our History” is a song that had sort of fallen out of favor with me… at one point I was feeling like it just wasn’t that good of a song. But, I changed a line or two and brought the tempo back to how it was when I originally wrote it, and it’s really gotten kind of a new life. I’m really excited to record that one with a band. And, I like that the song is about people’s relationships with stereotypes and how complex that idea is. The other song that was really fun to write was “Helicopter’s Rope”. It’s a song about not wanting to really be emotionally responsible for other people. I’ve said in the past that it’s a song about how all of my songs are about me, but, I’ve realized that’s really only half the story. And, it was fun because it was the first time I really heard a guitar solo in my head for a song, so, I’m excited to record that one with a band as well.
Frank Kim, SFP Music Reviewer: SFP Music Reviewer: Will the new disc be a bit more 'lighter' and more 'upbeat' or can we expect something similar to 'Proof' in terms of tone on the new record? And when can we expect the new disc? Laura:
Laura Tsaggaris: of slower, ballad type tunes, but, on the whole, the new album will head in a different direction. As far as when it will be delivered, that remains to be seen. I hope to get in the studio by the end of the year, which would mean around early 2008.
Frank Kim, SFP Music Reviewer: SFP Music Reviewer: So you've been on the road quite a bit, playing consistently in venues on the east coast. Do you plan to tour out west in the near future? Perhaps, places like Colorado, Texas, west coast, Oregon, and Washington?
Laura Tsaggaris: I would love to tour out west and am hoping to make that happen very soon. There are a lot of logistics and finances to be considered, so, it needs to be planned out diligently. But, it is a definite priority.
Frank Kim, SFP Music Reviewer: SFP Music Reviewer: It's great to see that you've had shows in NYC, Brooklyn, Asbury Park- NJ, Richmond- VA, DC, places like Iota Cafe... which venues you feel, give you the best welcome and reaction from the audience?
Laura Tsaggaris: Intimate clubs are great… especially those where they sort of separate the bar from where the music is… but, the atmosphere where I feel like I really connect with an audience and make new fans right away is that provided by the house concert. It’s really a part of my touring that I’d like to expand upon, so, hopefully I will get in touch with more organizations and people who will open up their venues and/or homes for a private concert. It is a fun time.
Frank Kim, SFP Music Reviewer: SFP Music Critic: The last time I saw you perform, which was back in January at the Jammin' Java, your hair was cut short- which looked great by the way! Have you gotten more positive feedback on your new look from fans, or more of 'surprise'?
Laura Tsaggaris: People have generally liked the new haircut. A couple of women have exclaimed in horror at seeing my hair all gone, but, whatever. I’ve been having fun with it, so, I guess that’s all that matters. It has been kind of weird to meet people for the first time and not have them know that I used to have long hair or to hear them say that they couldn’t see me with it. Sounds kind of stupid, but, I don’t know… I had really long hair for 20 years, so, I guess it’s still part of my identity.
Frank Kim, SFP Music Reviewer: SFP Music Reviewer: By the way, I was in Pittsburgh last August, stopping through on a cross-country road trip. It was just a very nice summer day. Have you been back visiting your hometown? Are you still liking and enjoying living in DC?
Laura Tsaggaris: I love DC. It is a great fit for me and I just feel very comfortable here. I do love Pittsburgh and always will though… it really is a beautiful city which is something that I don’t think a lot of people know. I go back less frequently as my family only lives there half the year, but, I still get to see it once or twice a year.
Frank Kim, SFP Music Reviewer: SFP Music Critic: What are some of your big plans for the rest of 2007?
Laura Tsaggaris: in no particular order:
1. finish up writing the new album
2. get in the studio and record it
3. continue working with my band a do a couple DC area shows with them
4. do another tour through the southeast and Atlanta in the late fall
5. make it through my 30th birthday
6. tour through Pittsburgh, Boston and Providence, among other northeast cities
Frank Kim, SFP Music Reviewer: SFP Music Reviewer: And your expectations?
Laura Tsaggaris: I don’t know. I want to just keep my head up and make new fans and keep getting better at everything – performing, writing, running a business. I want to start learning a bit more about engineering and recording, as I think that is something I’d like to expand into in the future (however far off that may be). And I’m excited to compete in this performance tournament, called the Eddie’s Attic Shootout, down in Atlanta in November. So, that will be a good opportunity to meet some other artists and try to perform well. I’ll be posting details on that, so, anyone that wants to come down to check it out should!