Mindy Klasky, A Few Minutes with a Science Fiction Writer
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SFP Editor: Which speculative fiction works have influenced your work?
Mindy Klasky: Aside from "Grandfather Tolkien", my novels are indebted to Katherine Kurtz, a fantasy writer who has re-created an intricate world where the Catholic Church is supreme, but where wizards have functioning mental powers. I admire the *humanity* and *emotion* of Kurtz's characters.
SFP Editor: How would you describe your writing style?
Mindy Klasky: My novels are lyrical - I use a sophisticated vocabulary to tell action stories. Most of my chapters end in classical cliff-hangers, like old movie serials. My novels have strong female characters, but credible male ones as well. While my works have a lot of violence, they are not filled with smarmy sex or raunchy language.
SFP Editor: What is your day job?
Mindy Klasky: I work as the Manager of Reference Services (the head reference librarian) at a 250-attorney law firm. (I used to work as an intellectual property attorney, but that job did not give me time to write.)
SFP Editor: How do you hone your writing skills? Do you attend a writing group?
Mindy Klasky: I better my skills by applying them on a regular basis. I write each morning, either creating new material or editing existing work. I have found that, over time, my writing has become smoother, more consistent, and better focused. I often set myself writing exercises, creating short stories to test my ability to tell stories from challenging perspectives or to work with narrative styles outside the norm. I no longer attend my writing group's monthly meetings (I am just too pressed for time!), but I do attend their social events (e.g., holiday party, birthday parties, etc.)
SFP Editor: Do you have any favorite speculative fiction movies?
Mindy Klasky: As much as I love reading and writing speculative fiction, I am *not* a big fan of movies or television shows in the genre. I think that the writing in my field largely works because of readers' ability to visualize characters and events. Visual media defeat that goal. (I also favor movies that have extensive character development; too many speculative fiction movies are opportunities for directors to show off special effects, but they don't have the depth of character that I prefer.)
SFP Editor: Do you like the LORD OF THE RINGS: FELLOWSHIP OF THE RING movie? Why or why not?
Mindy Klasky: I think that Peter Jackson's movie captured the spirit and the beauty of the first volume of the LORD OF THE RINGS as well as it could be done. He took an incredibly complicated story with a literal cast of thousands, and he told it in a coherent and beautiful way. The characters were true to their literary selves, and the settings were gorgeous. I look forward to future installments.
SFP Editor: What is the process for writing speculative fiction pieces? What is your inspiration?
Mindy Klasky: For my novels, I start with a one- or two-page synopsis (the basis for my contract with my publisher.) I expand that into a three- to five-page outline, noting in one or two sentences what happens in each chapter and who the point-of-view character is for each chapter. My actual writing is done in a series of drafts - the first draft of a chapter takes one or two weeks to create (each chapter is approximately 30 double-spaced pages.) I edit a chapter for many drafts - anywhere from three to five. Eventually the chapter "clicks", and I know that I'm ready to move on. When I've completed that process for all the chapters, I read through the entire novel (for continuity, making changes to smooth out the story line.) Finally, I read a version on paper, to catch typographical errors, sentence construction flaws, etc. I'm inspired by events in my daily life and by things I see in the world around me. I carry a notebook with me all the time, and I often jot down phrases or images that resonate for me. In THE GLASSWRIGHTS' JOURNEYMAN, I took settings from a city in Umbria, Italy that I visited on vacation. I took bits of characters from co-workers. I took plot developments from the lives of family and friends. Names have been changed to protect the innocent.
SFP Editor: If you could have dinner with a speculative fiction writer, who would it be and what would you discuss?
Mindy Klasky:I've been fortunate enough to meet a number of my contemporary idols. I would love to meet the Brothers Grimm, to discuss their "fairy tales" (which were far too rough for contemporary children!) and to learn more about the archetypes that they present - archetypes that are still important to the fantasy genre today.
SFP Editor: Do you watch the science fiction channel?
Mindy Klasky: Alas, my television time is pretty limited - I watch THE WEST WING, and a variety of cooking shows, but not much on the Science Fiction Channel...